Tubing Systems
The tube system can be used in combination with perforated and imperforated gypsum plasterboards. This system is distinguished by its high flexibility. In addition, the tubing that is used by S&L is oxygen resistant according to DIN 4726. Areas of application for this system are office and public buildings and hotels.
For Drywalls: Single-Combi-System
The single-tube contact cooling and heating system is suitable for use in combination with perforated and imperforated plasterboards from different manufactures, for producing radiant cooling and heating ceilings.
This system is characterized by:
- High flexibility
- Installation on conventional substruture for ceiling c-profiles according to DIN 18168-1
Consisting of:
- Aluminum heat conducting profiles
- Grid profiles
- Rubber inserts to ensure a tension between drywall panel and cooling meander and thus very good heat transfer
This system is characterized by:
- Low construction height of about 20-25 mm
- High flexibility
- ‘on site made’ mat modules
- Flexible installation distances and thus variable performance parameters
- Jointless, chilled or heated ceiling system
- Ideally suited for retrofitting or renovation
- By embedding the system into the ceiling plaster, the thermal storage capacity of the component is exploited.
This system is characterized by:
- Combinable with perforated or imperforated metal ceilings with metal panels or cassettes
- Applicable with grid system or covered substructure or laying
- Positive fit between ceiling and cooling meander by gluing or pressing
- Plastic meander oxygen diffusion resistant plastic tube according to DIN 4726